This scenario is all too common...

You're looking to finally find that home that will be the one. It's the home you're prepared to call your 'dream home' and want to settle down and establish roots. You've been searching constantly, but something is just not quite right.

  • This home has almost everything that you want, but there are a few things you're not sure if you can compromise on.
  • This neighborhood is perfect, but there isn't anything available yet, and you just can't commit to another location.
  • This lot is amazing, but the thought of building your own home from scratch by yourself is completely overwhelming.


Listen, if you're in a position to create the HOME OF YOUR DREAMS, I am certainly not going to be the person to tell you to STOP and settle for anything less. Take advantage of those amazing views, the perfect living spaces, and all of the rooms and bathrooms your heart desires! 

When you close your eyes, and think of your dream home, what do you see? Is it on Lake St. Clair, overlooking the most amazing summer sunsets? How about on a large piece of land in a more rural area of Metro Detroit, with lots of space for kids and outdoor fun? The reason why you want to build a new home doesn't matter...COMMITTING TO THE DREAM DOES!

If you're even slightly interested in the idea of building a new home, I URGE you to send me an email or give me a call ASAP! With all of recent changes to my Featured Listings page (so many new listings and homes sold!), I've been coming in closer contact with builders and home customization experts. It's time to get you the house you ACTUALLY want and I can't wait to help you MAKE IT HAPPEN!